Friday, May 17, 2013

Getting my swim on

Wildcat Lake is warm enough to actually enjoy swimming in & I've gotten over 3 miles in this week.
Today Windy, Lan & I swam from the park, on the left, out to Rich's dock, on the right. Its .75 miles each way.
Going out was fine, I've already swam 1 mile+ a few times so that's no big deal but coming back I did get tired. Total swim time was 1hr 6 mins. If I can keep up that pace for the entire CDA swim this year I'll finish 15-20 minutes faster than last year. Yippee, that will make all the difference in the world.
Rich had told Windy he would leave some 'gems' for her on his dock along with a HAPPY BIRTHDAY balloon so we wasted a few minutes looking for a balloon. Little did we know it was a small ass balloon, barely visible from 20 feet away let alone 200 yards. Oh well, we did find it. We also got our gems and left him 2 bigger gems, a green bead & a bone I found in the water.
Also out near his dock Windy wasn't happy, she felt grassy plants in the water and she HATES plants. I looked & didn't see any so we were able to go to shore. After we started heading back we went a different route through the water and I got into a forest of water plants, FREAKED ME OUT. Windy had to come over & save me from those sea monsters.
I don't know if I'll be able to swim to his dock again, might just swim to that dock in the middle, the 'white bucket' dock. Its .47 miles from the park and I could do that 3 times & be happier than going through those monsters again.
Yesterday Lan & I rode about 17.35 miles on the bikes, slow due to his back being soar. I haven't been doing my ab workouts and today my hands are sore so I'm going to be doing them now. Damn straight.
I found my favorite shoes on sale at REI, Asics 2170's for only $79.99. I've been planning on getting a pair for IM CDA so this will be a score.
My Timex watch is beginning to fail, it wont always switch to other functions & that can be irritating. In the lake today I tried to turn the timer off & it wouldn't, then when it did go off it wouldn't go back on not would it switch over to regular time. Its about 4 or 5 years old so time for a new one. This is a basic watch with HR monitor, alarm, etc but not a big GPS watch so it has been very convenient to wear.
This week I've done as many hours as my training plan has called for but not exactly how its been called for. I did run, once, 6.5 miles. I have taken longer on my swim than what is called for but thats becasue I swim slow and I dont have nearly as many miles on the bike as I need.
Weather is calling for RAIN for the next week, its hard to ride 100 miles when its raining or alone on days its not raining. Yesterday Lan & I got home from our ride & 10 minutes later there was a deluge, 3/4 inch of water fell in 20 minutes.

This park of the barnyard was mostly dry when the horse trailer was here just a few minutes earlier. Literally, just a few minutes, less than 10 minutes between photos.

And in horsey news:
This is a new horse in the barn, I'd love it if her new mom called her Katnis, shes just so pretty and her real name means Spark. Four yr old TB mare, fresh off the track.
And the BIG  news:

I have made arrangements for Wifi to start training with Kate at Windstone Farm, right down the road. Shes the trainer we had work with Mark and I love how she is with the horses. She will be able to figure out what Wifi will do with her life instead of me trying to figure it out & making Wifi a basket case.

Today all the horses got new shoes. Wait, Joey got new shoes, Sunshower & Wifi got trims.

Mark is gone, Katie bought the mare instead of Mark when Terry said he wouldn't take $2,500 for him & then changed his mind.

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