Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ya take a day off

I had a day off yesterday, first one in 9 days. Relaxed, went shopping, got a nap in while on the ferry.

Then today I couldn't make myself do anything. Not run nor ride.

I had a shitty run. Only 3.1 miles & it took way longer than I had planned, over 50 minutes!  But I will say I was wearing my new shoes & they were pinching my toes, need to break them  in, and my new shorts were sliding down under my fat belly. I also went pee right before I left the house but half way around the block I had to go again & there was NO running while I had to go. So I walked but it was  terribly slow.

As for biking today, yeah, I haven't done it and won't.

I did have a 2 hour nap after doing nothing all day, just before my run.

Lan and I went to the WSTC monthly meeting, they had speakers on race day nutrition. At Round Table Pizza. Can't beat that!

Heidi spoke about needing up in the medical tent after your big race so I now know that if I go there I will be OK. And its free. I better not need to go there but if I do I'll be able to relax.
Then Alisa talked about her race day nutrition, some of her fave things are peanut butter & bacon sandwiches, or grilled ham & cheese. I'll have to try that, have a sammywich cut into quarters for riding. Sounds perfect.

After the meeting was over Alisa came to talk to me about my training, she said she loves my posts on FB and that I should be able to do this without any problem. I certainly hope so. But I was honest, I've only gotten in a single 100 mile ride so far but I did it and I wasn't dead the next day. But it was slow. Shes going to try to get in a ride with me in the next week but shes in no shape to ride 100 or even 50.

I was the only one there tonight signed up for CDA. Looks like the big race for everyone to go to this year is Honu and its this weekend, in Hawaii. There are 14 members of the club there plus their support people. Next year I'll see what big race everyone else is doing and I'll think about doing it too. If you are all doing the same race then you have more people to train with.

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