Sunday, April 21, 2013

I need to get my numbers up there

2 weeks ago I worked hard for 124 miles of working out, last week I had 88 miles, this week 100. I am hoping for many more this next week.
We're supposed to have 3 days of damn nice weather and I plan on taking advantage of it.
Swim Monday morning, easy ride in the afternoon
Tuesday 70-ish miles on the bike and supposed to run for 45 minutes afterward. That's gonna be hard but no ones going to do it for me.
Wednesday swim and bike. its supposed to be in the low 70's so I'm definitely going to get outside and ride!  I usually meet Heidi for a 2pm swim but not if I'm riding. :) sorry Heidi.
Thursday swim & run
Friday day off, which is a good thing since I'll be working all day & again at midnight. UGH!
Saturday early in the morning we're leaving for our vacation, going through CDA so hoping to meet up with Connie and ride the IM CDA bike course. I can follow that up with a run.
Sunday longer run followed with short bike. I don't know if this will happen, we'll be driving most of the day.
Ending up in Las Vegas!! Can't wait to get there.  Below is the weather forecast for Vegas...
And here are my weekly totals:
4.15.13 thru 4.21.13 Weekly Totals: 
Swim: 2000 yards (1.14miles)
Bike: 86.08 miles
Run: 13.1 miles
Total Miles: 100.00
Total Time: 10:20
2 months and 2 days until Ironman Coeur d'Alene

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