Friday, April 12, 2013

Mark is coming back!

Remember Markster?

Hes coming back to my barn.

Not for me, but for a girl named Katie.

She found him by herself and was talking about him to Cassie & Cassie figured it out.

He was such a nice horse to have here, its going to be nice to have him back WITH HIS OWN GIRL.

These photos were taken in November, between the 14th & the 28th, with Kate at Windstone. Not the same Katie that's trying him out for the next month.  What a small world. I hope Katie likes him & ends up buying him, that would be so good for him. He needs his own girl.
teensy bit cow hocked??

I can't wait to see him again.

At least hes not being moved to a strange barn. He was in Arizona last summer in race training. Then in Enumclaw for a month, then at Terrys (my FIL) for a month or so, then at my barn for 3 months, then Kates barn for 2 months then back out at Enumclaw. Poor boy, being passed around like that.

I just hope Katie likes him enough to buy him and keep him forever, whether or not he remains at my barn.

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