Friday, March 22, 2013

What a great day make up a couple missed workouts. Lan & I met with Windy at the Silverdale pool this morning & I swam 40 laps, a much needed 2000 yards of straight swimming. No drills, no flippers, no pool buoys, no nothing, just got in & swam. I finished in 55:54, not bad. Not good but not bad.

Went grocery shopping on the way home, can't believe the price of food now. Damn, its killing me.

Then Lan & I went for a run/walk and here we are:
Ended up going 5.56 miles in about 1:15. We did stop to talk to Ralph, who is building a new home, asked him about his new house. He was nice and helpful, glad to share his experiences and builder info.

Horse info:
Wifi is shedding, its almost time to get photos of her in her springtime coat. I need to ride.

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