Sunday, February 24, 2013


Yesterday I had a ton of shit to do and a ton more shit I wanted to do. I needed hay, we had a weigh-in, I needed groceries, workout, visiting friends, delivering compost. Here is how my day ended up:

Lan loaded up the truck with the compost & we drove it to Olalla, shoveled it out.
Went to Cenex & got grain.
Stopped at the post office for the first time in 2 weeks.
Got hay at his parents house.
Came home, traded cars, changed clothes and went to Silverdale YMCA for our final weigh-in for the weight loss challenge. Lan is down 12 lbs & I'm down 4* in 6 weeks!!
Stopped at Winco & got a cart of groceries that were badly needed.
Got home & I got on my bike trainer for a hard ride.
Went to work at Midnight.

And Lan got to go visit friends at their new property warming party out at Wildcat Lake. I had to stay home to ride, just had to. I was about 2/3 finished with it when Lan left and I told him to tell them they weren't my #1 priority. They understand, they were both Ironman CDA finishers last year.

I was supposed to run too, even got changed and was out on the road but heard horses kicking and squealing so went down to the barn instead. No one hurt but I spent too much time & it got dark.

Anyway... after that I watched some tv, read a bit of my book & then left for work at 11:20pm to work night watch midnight till 4am.

That shift sucks.
 *I haven't lost a lot of weight but I have lost inches in my waist.
<- 17="" 22nd.="" and="" difference.="" february="" huge="" january="" lower="" p="" photo="" taken="" the="" this="" was="">Look, the muffin top is going away. My hips aren't bulging. I have a waist.
I'm pretty proud of myself and it's only going to get better.

So today we went to Lowes and bought enough supplies to make 3 sets of jump standards to sell, I paid $101.38 for the stuff. Lan was helping but he wasn't too happy until I told him the money was going to purchase his birthday present.

His friend Les is selling 2 older bike frames for $200 and Lans bday is coming. Lans whole attitude was changed after I told him that surprise. He was more patient and talkative, more willing to go get a tool or drill out the pin holes.  I can't wait until we sell these and can go get the bikes.


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