Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm switching days off

With my job I have Wednesdays & Thursdays off but with my training plan I have Fridays off. For the last few weeks I've been called in for late night shifts, messing up my Fridays or I just haven't had the energy to workout of Thursday. So I've made a decision to switch my days off.

I'll now have Thursdays off & even if work calls me for work on those days I can say no, meaning I'll have plenty of rest for a good workout Friday. And If I know I'm going to work Friday ahead of time then I can always switch back.

I feel better already.

Today I did nothing all because a few weeks ago I looked at the calendar & said 'I need a DAY OFF' where I do nothing all day.

So I sat around and read a good book with my cat on my belly (because I was really laying on the couch). I drank some tea and ate a few Girl Scout cookies.

At 4:30 I did a load of laundry, washed dishes and started dinner.

Now I'm going to do some more nothing for a while.

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