Monday, February 18, 2013

Found a new local park

Wauna is the home of a new park, named Park 360. Its right across the road from a house we used to live in and we spent a lot of time out in these woods with our dog, Picabu Street.
Picabu Street
So the park is the same size as Banner Forest but its only got a fraction of the trails, many are brand new, many still being built.
 nice dirt so Horses wont need shoes out here

This trail is under construction
 There is a main service road in a circle & trails mostly criss cross that circle and a few are on the outside. There are also a few dead ends that were a bugger to get back out of.
This was a dead end, pretty steep getting out of it. but I got myself started and rode out.

We figure we rode about 5 miles in the hour we were there. The trails are dirt with only a little rock. Of all the places where I have ridden bikes, this is the place most like sidewalks.
I love riding with Lan, he makes me work and he knows how much I can do & makes me do a bit more.

This is the HORSE ACCESS way from the parking area to the trails.
 and an up close photo. Horses can walk over it but cars, trucks, jeeps & motorcycles shouldn't be able to get over them. Yet. They will find a way.
I want to take Sunshower out there tomorrow if its not totally raining.

This park is now part of the BuDu Racing spring mtn bike race series, they will race here March 10th. Its going to be a fast race since there are no technical areas.

This would be a great place to take Wifi to learn about trails.

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