Sunday, February 17, 2013


I had another hard week with work and working out. They had me work midnight to 4am Thursday morning so I was exhausted and didn't do an important workout, a running one. It makes me mad & there is no way to make it up by the time I've had enough rest. So far I'm not on the schedule for next week but that can change at any time.

Last week my workouts were:                   and this week:

Swimming    3700                                      3700

Bike              48.25 miles                           52 miles

Run               6 miles                                   6.1 miles

total distance 55 miles                                 60 miles

total time      10 hours                                  7:40 hours

Now how the heck did that happen? That is a HUGE improvement. I'm certainly not running faster or farther, my swimming is faster but not enough to take that much time off. So its got to be on the bike.

One change we made on it is that Lan put the tension on the bike trainer lower, he said I had it way too tight. So I can spin at 15.2 MPH instead of struggling to get 14 MPH. But that's not a huge difference either. Maybe its just the way they have me training now as opposed to a few weeks ago.

I was reading in a 2 year old Triathlon magazine that one of the best ways to get faster on your run is to race. So I'm going to try to find a local race that I can do, 5-10k. Just so my body remembers how to go faster than a slow jog.

Horse news:

I started working at Kate's barn, for now its just cleaning stalls & doing water buckets but I'll learn how to do everything eventually. I guess I need to figure out who each horse is so if I have to bring them out of pastures into stalls I know which one goes where.

Anyway for payment for me working there Kate is going to help me with Wifi. I have NO IDEA what Wifi will enjoy doing in her lifetime and I don't want to make her be a jumper if she wants to be a barrel horse.

WHo knows, Wifi might end up loving Dressage and Kate is a good trainer.

Wifi is at Amy's farm now whole Glory is here. These photos were taken yesterday and my mare looks GREAT.  She will be shedding this month and will soon be white with black points.

Shes going to be 5 years old soon.

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