Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Training Booklet

For my birthday I was given a training book to keep track of my training.

I've been doing pretty good but this week I've worked some crazy shifts at work and training got to be too much so I didn't write it all down, I just went to bed. I now have 5 days to keep track of. DOH!

But someday I plan on giving it to a grand child to keep or at least take to school for their show & tell. Because their granny is going to be an Ironman and bragging rights are hereditary.

Every day I check out my plan, I print it out so its nice and large, easy to read while I'm in action. I take the swim papers to the pool, set them on a kickboard so it stays out of the water and away I go. On the bike I set it on a table, right at hand. Anyway, I've been keeping those papers too. They actually have all the miles/heart rates/speeds that I am trying to keep track of.

I guess those papers can go to a second grandchild...

I've had to work to 4am-2pm ten hour shifts in a row, I've been beat. Today instead of going swimming after work I went home to bed thinking I'd go to Gig Harbor Y tonight but that pool is closed until Friday. NO WORKOUT FOR ME TODAY. Shit.

Part of this no workout crap is that I've been trying to encourage Lan to workout more so I'm offering to wait for him so he can join me. He's way less likely to do anything if I'm not doing it too. But hes so fucking slow, it took him an hour to cook dinner tonight & I couldn't ride the bike after getting home from the failed swim because I was still full. I CAN swim on a full belly but not bike not run. Its so frustrating when he makes me late. I'm going to have to leave without him, just once.

Horse news:
Nothing. I'm too tired to do anything in the barn, I miss my horses and wish this could hurry up and be over.

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