Thursday, March 29, 2012


How is training going? Good.

Today I was talking to my friend, Stefan, who has completed Ironman Coeur d'Alene himself (so hes a hero). I told him that Linda had reserved the last pair of race wheels at the tri store & that Lan & I were planning on buying a pair to use but he said "Just borrow mine". HOW COOL IS THAT??

Lan and I have checked into Zipps and many other brands of wheels, Lan was even contemplating generic wheels made by the same company that makes Zipps but without the stickers. We could get the same wheels for half the price.

We were thinking of getting Zipp 404 clinchers because they are just easier to change a flat. Stefans are Zipp 606 tubular; actually a 606 rear and 404 front. I am told these are super fast, harder to get a flat, harder to change a flat, heavier but minimally and might be affected by wind.

Barbara went over to Coeur d'Alene last weekend and rode the bike course and she was going over 50 MPH. I don't know if shes got race wheels but going fast is what its all about!!  The reward for climbing to the top is the speed coming down.

This is just one less thing I'll have to worry about now.

Thanks Stefan.

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