Saturday, March 17, 2012

Free time

How is training going? I have a plan B.

I asked Lan if he would support me in a second attempt at Ironman if anything goes wrong and I can't complete CDA this year and he said YES. Without hesitating.

With all the shit Brandans has going on, working full time and trying to get workouts completed I'm SO busy; I'm exhausted and having to juggle everything. If I DNF for any reason I'll go to Canada and sign up there for next years race. Its in August so I'll have all summer to workout instead of dealing with SNOW.

Yes, woke up to more snow this morning. Tired of the crap.

I have gotten to the Masters swimming class 3 times in the last 2 weeks, yay for me. I also went to 3 hours of YMCA on Thursday, that kicked my butt. But on the 1 single day nice enough to ride bikes outside I had to work.

I tried to switch docks but they kept me at Fauntleroy. Really hoping I can do something like get Bremerton for June. Whatever, I'm NOT going to be working anytime near June 24th, 2012.

My left calf is tight and sore, had a massage and she said my right side is tight. Wonder whats up with that?

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