Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Work. Family. Exercise. Sleep.

How is training going? Good.

Today I got out of bed to go to Torreys YMCA class, only to find out shes not doing Tuesdays any longer, some other chicks is doing them. Shes not nearly as good but she tries hard. I asked her to please turn the music down and not use the microphone & she did it so that's good. Then I went up beside her to do my core stuff, but more because there wasn't room farther back in the room.

I'll miss Torrey.

Last night I made it to another Masters Swim class at the Bremerton YMCA. I'm getting better, faster and stronger. I'm not super fast thought. I am still trying to perfect a good form but I think that will come with LOTS of swimming. They are helping me to no end.  :)

Work is getting busier and busier, this week I'm scheduled for 40 hours. We had to bid again last week and I tried to get into another dock so I could work less hours. I found out yesterday I'll be staying at Fauntleroy. That made me cry a bit but then I laughed at myself and realized I'd have cried a bit more if I had been moved. sigh.

The city of Seattle has taken away all our parking permits for the area beside the dock so we have to park on the street. Unfortunately there are 4 hour limits & NO parking on the streets after 2am. Some of the shifts go after 2am or start at 4am. Idiots.  I will always park at Southworth now and walk onto the boat unless I have to drive around but I'm going to ask to avoid those shifts.

Brandan has been in the hospital, this time for misterious pain in his back & while there he attacked the doctors & nurses, kicking one nurse in the jaw. They held him there for a mental eval and I don't even want to bring him home. I'm tired of it.

And sleep. I need more rest time. I'm not blogging as much, don't have time. I'm taking 2 days to do Words with Friends instead of playing non stop. I'm sleeping on the boat to work.

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