Thursday, March 22, 2012

Just going a little crazy here

How is training going? Boot Camp was good this morning.

I do boot camp twice a week and sometimes it really kicks my ass, other times, like to day, it seems like its going to be hard but then we get through it and it wasn't that hard at all. Its at gig Harbor YMCA Tuesday & Thursdays at 5:30am-6:30am. usually there are 40-50 people so there are a lot of different groups to join. I usually go with Abby and Barb sometimes goes too.

There is a guy who has been joining our group for a couple weeks now, I finally introduced myself to him. He is Eric. I have come to expect Eric to be in our group so its cool to finally know his name.

Weather has been nicer but for various reasons I haven't been able to get out to ride. Linda has gotten out a few times & got in good 30 mile trips. Today would have been a nice day to ride, it was warm enough but more importantly, it was dry.  I'm hoping that tomorrow morning is nice enough for a good 2-3 hours on the bike before I have to go to work.

Fucking work is pissing me off, they give me more and more of those stupid 4 hour shifts that take up 7 hours of my day,plus another half hour getting dressed and preparing my backpack. I have to make sure I've got all my proper clothing like rain gear, polar fleece jackets, warm hat, gloves, etc and ID & stuff.

We have no parking over at Fauntleroy any longer so we either have to park out on the road in 2 or 4 hour parking areas and risk a ticket if we don't move our cars in time or park in the forbidden area & risk getting towed; or I can park at Southworth and walk onto the boat with all my stuff. That's what I've been doing lately and its been ok except for the nights I have had to close. Ugh, hate closing!

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