Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wifi is colicking

How is training going? Good.

Wifi colicked today.
She had breakfast, a couple hours later I gave her lunch and then I left for a few hours
& brought more hay home.

I unloaded it and was going to give her some of the new stuff when I noticed that she had all the symptoms of colick; laying down & rolling, kicking at tummy, yawning, glassy eyes. 

 Look how shes all cramped together; this was after the Banamine but before the Bute.

So I gave her banamine and mineral oil then called the vet.
 Of course I couldn't get the vet I wanted so had to contact Dr Ness-the-asshole but hes better than nothing. It took him 45 minutes to call back. Meanwhile I had given her 1 gram of Bute and within 5 minutes she was feeling and looking better.

I just went out and checked on her and she hasn't been rolling and shes relaxed. I'll go out again at 10pm and give her another 2 grams of Bute, maybe even go out again at 2am to check again.

Shes never been sick before and the only thing to change has been her hay but its just timothy. Stalky, yes, but shes has timothy plenty of times before, its nothing new. Plus she gets a scoop of timothy pellets every day. Nothing else is different for her.

With my training, last night I got on the treadmill and ran 4 miles in an hour, for the first 15 minutes it was a test for my Heart Rate ( rate of perceived exertion)RPE and the second 15 minutes was a 2x4 HR test. The second one was harder because my HR kept creeping up.
Then last I did a 30 minute run and I again noticed my HR creeping up. I had to slow down for a couple minutes before I could continue.

This morning I did 2x300 yards in the pool, timed. I was supposed to go 1700 yards but I couldn't do that unless my life depended on it. Sigh. How far is that, anyway?

Tomorrow I'll be doing the same thing on my bike on the trainer. I'd Rather do it tonight to get it done but I'm beat, physically and emotionally. I'll do it in the morning after getting SOME sleep, since I'll be worried about Wifi all night.

Tomorrow night I meet with Ryan for our first scheduled meeting at the high school track. He is going to teach me how to be more efficient. I can't wait until I'm more efficient in the water.

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