Monday, October 10, 2011

Lazy day

How is training going? Blah.

I just have not felt like training today. Yesterday it was hard enough to work out but today I just haven't been able to do anything. I had meant to go for a run while Brandan was at the doctors office but instead I fell asleep in the car for 2 hours.

I had thought I needed to swim for 30 minutes today but checked again and today is a 45 minute run in zones 3-4. I'll need the HRM and I'll run on the treadmill in a while.

I can get that swim in tomorrow at the YMCA after I do Torreys class.

Wifi is doing much better and I am thankful for that. shes my baby and it scared me a lot when she was sick. Now every time I'm outside I look at her to make sure shes OK and not lying down, rolling. Today I went out there and she WAS laying down but when she got up she shook off the sand. Sick horses don't shake off the sand. Whew.

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