Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ironman Coeur d'Alene Bike Course

How is training going? 298 days till Ironman Coeur d'Alene!

Lan and I went to Idaho to check out the CDA Ironman bike course; I wanted to know what to expect and I LOVE the 2011 course. The only problem I see is that they are talking about doing it on Hwy 95 instead of the nice country roads they have been using so its going to be a whole lot of UP HILL. 12 miles of mostly uphill one way, then back down & turning and repeating it. I can totally handle the downhill but the uphills will KILL me. We did 36-37 miles on the bikes yesterday.

You can kinda see which paart of the course we went on but I didn't mark on here where we accidently went off course... about half way around the lake. So we still got a really good hill workout done but I skipped the turn around on the actual course. We also didn't do all the in town section, to avoid traffic. We started/ended at Heyden lake park & took a nice refreshing swim afterward.

Here is the swim start

  Here is the swim out steps to transition

Here is the transition area

The run course is fine but at the turn around, once again, its got a serious up, then down to the turn, then back up. Twice. But at least I know what to expect now and should be able to handle it just fine.

Today Lan and I both went out and ran a nice easy 3.7 miles around the neighborhood. The hardest park is starting!

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