Wednesday, August 3, 2011

From my Ironman Coach

I asked her how scared should I be?

You should be . . .

. . . TERRIFIED!!!! Just kidding. I am so thrilled that you did this. We will make SURE that you are ready. As long as you are willing to make this a priority every day for 4-6 months, you CAN do this. Once Tri Turtle Tri is over, we will work out a very specific plan for you and Linda so that you will be comPLETEly prepared. Your first Ironman will be the very best because you will be so motivated to prioritize your training that you will be in better shape than you can ever imagine. And, you ARE a seasoned triathlete so you will have lots of experience to draw upon . . . the wonder and excitement and energy of the day will take you the final miles to the finish line.

So, flip that fear into excitement . . . you WILL be an Ironman!!!!
Lots of Love,
Lisa Be so excited for you

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