Saturday, August 27, 2011

Banner Forest in the summer

How is training going? Good.

This afternoon Lan and I went out to banner Forest for a mtn bike ride. The forest is nice and cool on these warm summer days. There isn't any mud at all and barely any loose dusty areas either.  I did have to get off twice to go up steep loose hills, one of which had a curve in the middle of it.

I didn't crash but had a couple close calls. My arm isn't 100% healed from last weeks wipe out and I did not want a repeat of that.

Tomorrow I'll be working till midnight then Lan will pick me up and we're heading east to Idaho. We're going to Coeur d'Alene to ride the ironman bike course. I'd rather know a bit of what to expect ahead of time instead of being surprised.

We'll swim in the lake too and if there's time we're going to ride the gondola up the ski slope mtn and ride down. That should be a FUN time. Cheating, since we wont be riding up, but once in a while we deserve a freebie.

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