Thursday, August 18, 2011

It seems if its not one thing, its another

How is training going? Painfully.

My hip flexor is acting up again, but a different part of it. Today is a forced day of rest with ibuprofen and maybe ice.
If you were to put your hands on your hips with the fingers in front and press into your body with your fingertips, that's where it hurts. Before, pain was at the bottom of the blue section. This is new pain for me.
I have jogged for the last 3 days, just 2-4 miles each, not fast at all. But it must have been too much. When I sneezed this morning it felt like I was ripping my hip off.
I'm not a happy camper.
I'll be working on flexibility and additional core strength in the future and its a good thing I have 311 days until my Ironman because I'm going to need every bit of it for training.

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