Monday, December 31, 2012

Yukon Do It Race Report

Today was the Yukon Do It marathon & half marathon in Port Orchard. I had signed up for the full but decided to do the half since all my friends were only doing the half and I have nothing to prove to myself any more.
Linda, Windy and I had decided to start at 8am with the full marathoners and walk, giving us more time to finish but I found out at 8:01am that my time wouldn't count and I need a time for Half Fanatics.
Windy, Linda and Steve all have injuries preventing them from running at all so to keep myself from getting injured too, I walked with them.
me, Windy & Linda

West Sound Triathlon Club had a water station about 2 miles onto the course at Waterman Dock. They provided water, Heed & Gu; one of the Gu's had tons of caffeine so I took 1. I should have taken 100, they were that good.
By the time we reached these guys we were keeping a consistent pace of about 14:14 minute miles, good for walking. I was jogging slowly most of the time because its easier for me to do that than to walk.
Rhonda & Steve at WSTC water station
We did slow down a bit at the half way point, when we hit manchester State Park. Those were the only hills we encountered with an elevation gain of 100 feet coming out of the park.
Manchester State Park elevation
 I felt very good for the entire race but my feet were hurting at mile 10 and I was just tired after that. I enjoyed the whole long walk.
At the beginning the temp was 36* and the end it was 39* but no ice, no snow, no rain.
Me & Windy, waiting for Linda and Steve to finish. Linda was hurting too much to keep up and Windy was hurting too much to slow down. I chose the faster of the 2 options.
Here are us girls, all FINISHED. 

Linda finished in 3:44:51
I finished in 3:35:32
Windy finished in 3:35:31

The shirt & medal

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