Saturday, December 15, 2012

End of Year Festivities

The tri club Lan & I are members of, West Sound Triathlon Club, had its end of year Awards Ceremony & Christmas in Kona party today. There was a good turn out and I knew almost everyone there.

There's me, in the yellow.

It was fun to talk with everyone about their races this year, see the people who got MOST INSPIRATIONAL ( Linda & Terry), Suzie got one for something, Dan & Mike got most GEAR HEAD. There were several others too.
Me, Terry, Linda, June, Suzie (standing), Barbara & Rhonda
So many of these ladies are already signed up for many races & runs while I am only signed up for Yukon Do It Full marathon & Ironman CDA in June. It kills me that I can't be signed up for a dozen already.

I might not even be able to do Yukon, if they schedule me to work on New Years Eve morning then I'm screwed.

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