Thursday, December 27, 2012

Things are going well

Training is going slow but well. I am getting some good workout done at the Y and am working on getting things going at home. I work on-call so of course I worked 10 hours each on Christmas eve and day with no time for exercise.

Today I went with Linda & Brayden to Gig Harbor Y for a couple classes and to use the recumbent bike. I dislike that bike but the only spin class available while we were there was lead by Dana and shes a really shitty instructor. Her strength class is good, she makes sure you're doing it right, quality not quantity. but her spin is actually a good way to get yourself hurt so I avoid her.

We did Yoga which I enjoyed but Linda didn't and we did a strength class in the gym which was not structured well, another way to get hurt if you're not careful. I'll keep going to classes and will sooner or later find a bunch of them I like.

Tomorrow night is Triday Friday at Bremerton YMCA where we do a 15 minute swim, 30-45 minute spin & 20 minute run on the indoor track. Its just a lot of fun & a good way to get a workout in when you'd rather be at home.

For Christmas I was given a new helmet, neoprene shoe covers for cold weather and a nice weight set with 3, 5 & 8 pound weights. I know Lan paid a LOT for his helmet & this is the same kind so that was nice, very nice. I do already have some pretty nice cold weather cycling shoes but these will allow me to ride the tri bike with my tri shoes so I can be super used to them come Ironman time. All in all I received some thoughtful gifts and that means the world to me.

Linda has finally shared her Ironman race report with me. I know it would be long, she had said 16 pages before but I started reading it & only got to the 2nd paragraph before I gave up. Shes telling her life story, not a race report. But I'm going to have to read it all & give her feedback. Shit. I've already heard her story only about 14,823 times.

Horses update:
I've been using the slow feed hay nets for a couple weeks, have enough for all horses now + an extra and I LOVE them. I wish I had enough that each horse had 2 so I could prefill them. They have cut down the hay waste to a minimum amount, the horses are taking much longer to eat, they aren't going as long between meals and they aren't all pissed off when I do get into the barn to feed them. They have quit pawing the walls, Wifi doesn't whinny at 5am for breakfast and they have a bit of manners when they get the hay in front of them. 

I do miss the nickers that I used to get when I'd walk into the barn, I miss that a lot.

The poor horses have had no attention for a week besides being fed & stalls cleaned. The arena is too goopy for turnout. Maybe I should just haul mine to Sawda & let them run around in the indoor arena while I feed & clean with Amy.

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