Monday, December 10, 2012


If I could sleep enough every night I would be a happy person. I AM a happy person but I'd be happier if I got enough sleep. I'd like 7 hours of UNINTERPRETED sleep every night.

I was able to babysit yesterday evening, its such fun to play with the kids. Pasha is going to be 6 next week and she beat me at Chess.

Seriously, she beat me. I was going to let her win but not that fast! She insisted that we finish the game so I lost again with the remaining pieces.

I ran a mile with Lan yesterday morning so I could try out my new Timex GPS watch but I didn't get it figured out at all. I have the patience of a goldfish. I do know it was a faster mile than I'm used to (besides the fact I rarely run at all) because I stayed beside Lan the whole way and he runs faster than my slog. I'll guess it was a 9:30 mile. I'm good with that. And I could be exaggerating by a minute or two.

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