Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rest Feels Good

I'm taking the summer off from hard triathlon training.

I'm going to ride my horses, swim for fun, go out on the mtn bike & take walks, maybe jog a bit.

I'll continue with the TriBabe training for Danskin, that's fun to do. Just no 75 mile hard & fast bike rides for a while.

After August I'll start back up with some good long rides, going into winter I'll need that.

I do have several races & half marathons I'm signed up for so I do have to keep in condition for those.

But for now I'll have less posts about training and more about horses for a while. I'm letting my hip flexors rest and heal, doing more stretching and might just start a serious weights & yoga regime.

I'll be back here with another year of Ironman training soon.

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