Sunday, July 29, 2012

Forever ago

I signed up forever ago for Lan & I to run int he Seattle Torchlight 8k Fun Run that started at 6:30pm and ran along the course of the Torchlight Parade route. It was cheap but I was really looking forward to it and I had planned on dressing up like a Pirate, using my BIG skull & cross bones flag as a cape. Then I wanted to watch the parade, something I've only done once before in my 50 years of life.

But one of Lans work buddies had a BBQ at the same time and Lan thought he really needed to go. Chris had the BBQ and He is the guy who Lan replaced so it WAS important.

But I also didn't want to go because Heather was there, she was one of the ladies who interviewed me for a job & then they didn't hire me. So I didn't want to hang out with her.

Everything would have been OK except that almost an hour after I got home Lan got home & he had been out. RUNNING. He ran 5 miles. Without me.

It hurt my feelings.

Fucker could have at least waited for me & run with me. OR GONE TO THE FUCKING FUN RUN.

I was so hurt.

So I sat through his fucking BBQ and for the first hour not one of the people said more than HI to me. Finally after that one of the other wives sat by me & included me in some conversation and then Chris asked me some stuff about Ironman. But Heather had nothing to say to me. That bitch can die for all I care.

I WILL NOT be attending another BBQ with Lans work buddies any time soon and he owes me something pretty fucking nice that I don't have to plan nor pay for.

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