Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pedicures for horsies

My farrier, Gary, came out to visit my girls today.
Wifi got a trim, she needed it badly.

Look how much he had to trimoff. Of course, those are treats for the dogs to chew up.

Shes so curious, wants to get into everything.

Lan standing here holding her & she looks like a pony next to him. Shes not that small!
Abby & I measured her last night, shes still 14.1hh. But everyone thinks shes getting bigger, its just width thats growing & thats fine. She was so slim last year.

Wifi's toes all done. Shes got mismatched hooves but thats what happens when an unplanned breeding occurs. But I love her in spite of all her weirdness.
It looks like shes got 1 shoe on but she doesn't.

After Gary got done with the stinker butt he trimmed Sunshowers hooves. She wasn't such a stinker but she still isn't perfect either. Gary WORKED for his $125.

And Sunshowers finished hooves with her new shoes. Shes got nice feet, perfectly sized for her and nicely round. They match each other well.

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