Thursday, July 19, 2012

Keeping Secrets

Today after a 10 hour shift at work & then a 2 hour nap, Lan asked me to go swimming with him out at Wildcat Lake. I was hesitant at first, I haven't been swimming much. But I've never swam much.

But I did go and I had a good time and swam 1 mile in 46:34, my fastest time ever. EVER. My splits were 23 minutes each.

Lan said I had good form out there.

I concentrated on pulling faster, throwing my arm 'into the mailbox' harder/faster, kicking less & with straight legs, rotation, arms wide... It must have all worked because I swam a lot faster than I used to.

If I want any chance of beating Linda in Danskin this year then I'm going to have to work out more often, harder, longer and go faster.


I'm not going to workout with or share my results with her. I'll fudge on my times, add a few minutes, slow my pace, shorten the distances, say it was a flat road when it might have been hilly.

On Daily Mile I am no longer friends with her husband since he will see my results and will share with her and encourage her to go ride/run/swim more.

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