Friday, July 20, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Meghan and I had planned on me riding Wifi today for the first time this year. Meghan's been working with her for the last 2 weeks and Wifi is ready again, but last night we had HUGE thunder storms and this morning & still now its raining. The arena is soaked, its still windy and its not a good day to be getting back onto a green horse.

Yesterday I got to my YMCA class that Torrey leads but she wasn't there so they made me lead the class. I'm not a good leader but it was better than leaving, which I saw a lot of regulars do. Then I came home and texted Christine & we ended up going about 10 miles.

Found an injured turtle along the roadway, they don't normally live here so it was weird to see one. I gave him a ride in my jersey pocket to the feed store & he went home with a man who has a pond and a female turtle living in it.

Its my day off work and all I really feel like doing is reading my book and sleeping.

Current read:

Stephen Kings The Dark Tower series, #4, Wizard & Glass.

I just finished #3 earlier this morning & am 100 pages into #4. I read the first 3 when they were first released many years ago but never got to read the rest and they are just as good now as they were then.

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