Sunday, May 29, 2011

When you're just not in to the bike

How is training going? Not good today.

I wanted to ride my horse today, there were several people lined up to go. Then Lan insisted I ride Wildcat Lake with him instead, saying I needed to ride more. Yeah, I need to ride my HORSES more.

We went out to Wildcat but I just wasn't into it at all. My bike was squeaking the entire time, his new heart rate monitor was beeping continually and I wasn't happy. Not happy at all.

For once I didn't whine the whole time but inside my head I was bitching the whole way. I almost cried a couple times too. I pushed the bike uphill more than I did the last couple of rides and I didn't care. I just wanted to be DONE.

I did kick ass on the descent though, just so I could get to the bottom faster.

There were a lot of people hiking on the trail with a lot of dogs. Luckily for everyone, all the dogs were on leash.

One woman said we could go faster on the fire road but after pushing my bike up trails to the top I'll be damned if I ride down a fucking fire road. That bitch needs to get her ass onto a bike.

The reward for going up is getting to come back down.

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