Wednesday, May 4, 2011


How is training going? 99

I am at 99 miles ran for the year, so far. I woke up this morning at 6am and told myself I need to get out there and run, so I did. I was only going to go 1 mile but after putting on workout clothing I figured I might as well go a little farther and 2.4 was my limit for the day.

I also had a Body Camp session with Ginger this evening and that kicked my ass. In 3 weeks this is only my 2nd time to actually go to it and I had hoped to get to all of them. But life gets in the way sometimes. Friends need favors, I have other activities to do, like mtn biking or the horses, or I'm just not into it for the day. I won't be there for the last free session on Friday because I'll be at my

30 year class reunion

I wil be seeing people I haven't seen in about 32 years so it will be quite interesting. Some of them I saw a month ago and it was very fun. I hope Lan can have a good time too.

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