Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Finally, a horse back ride

How is training going? Ho Hum.
It felt SO GOOD to put this sticker on my car.

I haven't done much, come home from work, clean the barn, eat dinner and go to bed.

I was able to ride the horses on Sunday and it felt so good. Bonnie, Sarah and I took Kari, Joey and Sunshower out to Banner forest for about a 5 mile ride, most of it on side trails instead of the service road.

Sunshower does NOT like Kari and let her know it in no uncertain terms. She also let Kari know that Joey is Sunshowers man even though at home Sunshower and Joey HATE each other. Its so weird that my horses act like that!!

Wifi is scheduled to go to the trainers next Wednesday for her 60 days of saddle training. I'm scared and excited for her, can't wait to see her in a month.

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