Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wifi and Meghan

How is training going? Good.

This morning I got up early and went to the YMCA for Torreys class but found her gone to HAWAII for her 40th birthday.


Bud lead the class but hes nothing like Torrey but he still kicked my butt since I haven't been there in 3 weeks. One lady was nagging him, wanting him to be more like Torrey but that's not his style. I think he was offended by the lady, I know I was. He wasn't leading Torreys class, he was leading his own class. I still was really ice to him, thanked him for the good class and wished him a wonderful weekend.

Meghan came over and worked Wifi again today. This time Wifi was sporting the bit and actually had contact, not just holding it in her mouth. Her mouth is very soft, she responds very easily and didn't freak out at all. She turned to the left and right easily enough and seemed curious about this new thing she was doing. I just wanted to get up on her back and ride off into the sunset.

I'll be starting on the dock tomorrow, 1-7 but I need to leave home at 11 in order to get on the ferry in time. Its going to be a long day.  I'll park at Southworth if they let me and walk on the 11:35 ferry then catch the 7:40 ferry home, getting into my car at about 8:25 and getting home at 8:45. If I have to drive around its 1.5 hours and 60 miles each way, $12 each way in fuel + $2.75 for the bridge toll so almost $30 round trip. I'd much rather leave early and catch a ferry if I can even if it means sleeping in my car overnight.

On Saturday I get to work 6:40am-2:40pm. I'll have to leave here at 4am, catch the 4:30am ferry, it takes 40 minutes to cross, arriving at 5:10am. I'll have to find a place to park then I sleep in the car till 6:20 or so. Coming home I'll just catch the 3:00pm boat.

Yeah, that's what I say now, we'll see how it really goes down. Probably a lot of noise and lights all over the place over there.

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