Saturday, June 4, 2011

First BRICK of the season

How is training going? GREAT.


The Kitsap Tribabes had their first BRICK today (B ike, R un = ICK  = BRICK)  I had everything ready last night, or so I thought. Just as I was dozing off I startled myself awake and remembered that I need to take my Bib number. That's how our leader, Lisa, knows we're true TriBabes. Then at 5am sharp I startled awake again, thought I heard the phone ringing but it wasn't and it was too late to go back to sleep.

Lan and I got to the staging area in Seabeck right on time, at 8am. I had plenty of time to get my shoes, helmet & other things and get to the church where we all start. Linda, Steve and Brayden got there shortly after we did so we hung out and greeted old friends. Last year Linda and I had started out in the 2nd wave but today we were in the first wave and I KICKED ASS. Lisas son, Dane, is a hard core 17 year old triathlete who is GOOD. He led our wave around the 5 mile bike course and I discovered that he is a Chatty Cathy, lol.

Dane didn't even break a sweat on that ride but I did. Linda was right behind me and another lady was behind her and right at the end the other lady tried to pass me, I mean, with only 100 feet to go she was on my ass but I jumped on it. NO WAY was I going to let her pass me! I was barely able to breath when I got off the bike but I WON.

I'm just a little bit proud of myself.  :)

Then we had to run a mile. I haven't run since the half marathon a month ago and ended up getting a side ache, every time I would start jogging it would happen again so I walked about half of it. Then Linda and I did a 2nd BRICK and then ran an extra mile on top of it. Whew. I've been slacking for the last 3 weeks, first Vegas then 2 weeks of training at the Ferries so I was a little out of shape.  I mean, I have been out on a few good mtn bike rides but no road rides and no spin/core classes either.

Lisa sent out her email and she mentioned both Linda and I in it for being first to complete the double brick when Linda was done with it before me, she ran better than I was able to.

Buts good that I was able to go, this might be the only brick I can make it too all summer. I'm sure I'm going to work weekends and every holiday but I don't know if they will have me working mornings, evenings or mid days. Sigh.


Wifi is going to the trainer on Wednesday. I'm SO excited for her but scared too. I don't want her to get hurt, what if she rolls in her run and gets her let caught up in the fence?? What if Vicki does something that ends up hurting Wifi? What if??

This evening I put Sunshowers bridle & bit on Wifi in her stall for a half hour. Shes got to learn what it feels like to have the bit in her mouth. I think tomorrow I'll actually attach something to the bit rings so she can feel that, shes had the bit a few times now but never had contact. I don't want Vicki to surprise her with that. Shes never been turned around, lead or anything with the bit.

Joey and I are supposed to go trail riding in the morning with Abby and Bonnie out at Green Mtn. I have to enjoy this last weekend and riding Joey on trails is one of my favorite things to do on Earth.

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