Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fucking Bitches

I know I'm not the best friend in the world by any means but I thought I had better friends than the ones I do have.

one has been bragging about this costume party for weeks that took place last night. yesterday at noon she said I should go to it with her. FUCK YOU, Bitch, if you wanted me to go why the fuck didn't you invite me weeks ago so I too could have made a fucking costume?

The other friend was supposed to do a 112 bike ride tomorrow & I would be doing it here at the same time, on my trainer. She fucking did it today. Last week she had 95 miles to do, she fucking went 100. just so she could be better than me.
Then tonight shes like me & my husband are going out for dinner & they went and met up with a bunch of other mutual friends. No one invited us.
FUCKERS. I just want to not be FRIENDS with any of them anymore.

Shes already DNF'd 1 Ironman race and shes doing IMAZ so we'll see how she does there. I hope she finishes and does it well. I just hope I can finish at all.

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