Wednesday, October 21, 2015

3.5 weeks

with 3.5 weeks left until my race I'm getting a bit excited. Only a bit though. I've done this twice already, I know its going to be a hell of a day. Hard, never ending, I will quit a thousand times and just keep going.
Its time to start packing bags and making  purchases of the things I'll need that I don't already have. Time to inventory so I CAN shop.
I've already got a bunch of spare tubes and 2 new tires, I've got a couple C02 cartridges, I'd like 4 more.
I still haven't completely dialed in the nutrition for the day but I'm trying. I know I'm going to have cookies and chips in my special needs bag. I also k now the Bike Special Needs is at mile 66 so I'll have to carry a lot of stuff with me. I've done plenty of 56 mile rides with just the stuff in my pockets so I'll be fine.
I've begun using the fuels they will be providing on the course so I'll be used to them but I haven't gotten any of the Lemon-Lime Gatorade yet. I must get some soon and drink it on my run. I DO have a Red Bull, which they provide on the run, I should use that tomorrow to see what happens when I drink it. Might be interesting.
I'm going to start going over a packing list, see you later.

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