Sunday, October 25, 2015


Today I did something I never knew I'd do in my life, never even imagined it. I rode my bike on the CompuTrainer for 112 miles. It took me nearly 8 hours but I didn't turn off the timer for all potty breaks.
Here I was still on the first lap of the Ironman Arizona 3 lap course, still felt pretty good.
And here I am at about mile 106, my hoo haw was SCREAMING and I wasn't looking forward to doing a run afterward.

Here is my awesome Helmet Hair

And the run.
I wasn't happy to start, I was scared it would be miserable but it wasn't.

So I was happy to be done, even though the run was only 1 mile.
Here is my nutrition table which doesn't show the bacon or the chicken sandwich.  I drank 5 bottles of water and 3 bottles of Gatorade.

I wore my helmet for the entire ride so my neck could work on carrying the weight.
I'm really tired but have to stay awake for The Walking Dead.

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