Saturday, October 31, 2015

Training In The Rain

14 days until Ironman Arizona.

Shits getting real.

Today I ran 7.5 miles in a pretty good wind and rain storm. I got to the parking meet up spot before the sun had risen and thought it was going to be absolutely miserable.

But it turned into a pretty nice run. It was along the Cushman Trail, from Home Depot out to the other end of town, toward Wilco. There were several other people and I was middle of the pack. Two guys went out fast and strong, passed me when I was at mile 2.5 and the Rabbit was a bit ahead of me but I had to stop to pee. The turtle was behind me and two others brought up the rear.

I've said before that the Cushman Trail is really hilly and I've only ran on it once before. There are a few hills on it that are 1200 feet of 8% elevation gain so it's a serious place for me to run. Today I was once again able to run the whole way but also turned around and went back to meet up with the slow pokes and ran in again.

This storm is just icky, they are saying the mountains will get up to 13.5 FEET of snow this weekend but if it does fall it will only melt and cause more flooding.

I had LAN put Joey in the arena so he can get dry. He's too old now to be left out in this crap, with the blowing wind he will be too cold. I also had LAN take Reign back to the inlaws and tomorrow there is a new horse coming in. An older paint mare for a 4h girl. They won't pay board but they will help with chores and feedings and buy their own hay. I've been feeding Reign for 9 months and never once got a thank you from Terry nor did he purchase any hay. He did offer to find me cheap grass round bales but that's only filler, the Tbs still need alfalfa and quality hay.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Today I did something I never knew I'd do in my life, never even imagined it. I rode my bike on the CompuTrainer for 112 miles. It took me nearly 8 hours but I didn't turn off the timer for all potty breaks.
Here I was still on the first lap of the Ironman Arizona 3 lap course, still felt pretty good.
And here I am at about mile 106, my hoo haw was SCREAMING and I wasn't looking forward to doing a run afterward.

Here is my awesome Helmet Hair

And the run.
I wasn't happy to start, I was scared it would be miserable but it wasn't.

So I was happy to be done, even though the run was only 1 mile.
Here is my nutrition table which doesn't show the bacon or the chicken sandwich.  I drank 5 bottles of water and 3 bottles of Gatorade.

I wore my helmet for the entire ride so my neck could work on carrying the weight.
I'm really tired but have to stay awake for The Walking Dead.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fucking Bitches

I know I'm not the best friend in the world by any means but I thought I had better friends than the ones I do have.

one has been bragging about this costume party for weeks that took place last night. yesterday at noon she said I should go to it with her. FUCK YOU, Bitch, if you wanted me to go why the fuck didn't you invite me weeks ago so I too could have made a fucking costume?

The other friend was supposed to do a 112 bike ride tomorrow & I would be doing it here at the same time, on my trainer. She fucking did it today. Last week she had 95 miles to do, she fucking went 100. just so she could be better than me.
Then tonight shes like me & my husband are going out for dinner & they went and met up with a bunch of other mutual friends. No one invited us.
FUCKERS. I just want to not be FRIENDS with any of them anymore.

Shes already DNF'd 1 Ironman race and shes doing IMAZ so we'll see how she does there. I hope she finishes and does it well. I just hope I can finish at all.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

3.5 weeks

with 3.5 weeks left until my race I'm getting a bit excited. Only a bit though. I've done this twice already, I know its going to be a hell of a day. Hard, never ending, I will quit a thousand times and just keep going.
Its time to start packing bags and making  purchases of the things I'll need that I don't already have. Time to inventory so I CAN shop.
I've already got a bunch of spare tubes and 2 new tires, I've got a couple C02 cartridges, I'd like 4 more.
I still haven't completely dialed in the nutrition for the day but I'm trying. I know I'm going to have cookies and chips in my special needs bag. I also k now the Bike Special Needs is at mile 66 so I'll have to carry a lot of stuff with me. I've done plenty of 56 mile rides with just the stuff in my pockets so I'll be fine.
I've begun using the fuels they will be providing on the course so I'll be used to them but I haven't gotten any of the Lemon-Lime Gatorade yet. I must get some soon and drink it on my run. I DO have a Red Bull, which they provide on the run, I should use that tomorrow to see what happens when I drink it. Might be interesting.
I'm going to start going over a packing list, see you later.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

4 weeks

I have 4 weeks until Ironman Arizona.
Today I had a 95 mile bike ride. Since I live in Puget Sounds and its nearly impossible to ride on flat ground I got in 64.89 miles of HILLIER THAN SHIT done before I came home and rode another 31.11 miles on my computrainer.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Run. Swim.

Today I run and swim.
Tomorrow I run and Bike.
Saturday only about 5 hours of running, biking and swimming.
Sunday Running and biking. Monday biking and running.
Or I can swim Saturday and nothing else but we're getting so close. Only 4.5 weeks away now.

On the home front:
Lan and I went to Olympia and met our new family member, a Brazilian Mastiff puppy, a little girl. I think we're going to call her Jenny.

Monday, October 12, 2015


Yesterday was 88 miles of pain on the bike. I rode 56 outdoors, until I almost got killed when some asshole pulling a trailer cut me off and almost hit me with his fucking trailer. Since I was doing laps out on our own road, I just decided to come home and finish on the bike trainer. Took me longer to go another 30 miles than it did the 56. And then it was getting dark so I couldn't run.
There was a lot of tears and frustration involved.
I do not want to train fro Ironman any longer, I just want to stop it and be ME, not some dumbass triathlete thinking they will do anything spectacular. I won't, I never will. I hurt all the time and never have time for anything else.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

House Work

Today I'm supposed to be running for 1.5 hours then riding my bike for 2.5 hours and working 1-6 in the middle of the day. Yesterday I rode and swam, went to the store for lunch stuff and was scheduled for the same hours but when I got to work I was informed that I had to stay until midnight. I wasn't happy about it at all, not at all.

So today if they spring that crap on me I'm going to say NO and tomorrow too. The supervisor, not our usual ones, could have given me a courtesy call but she didn't and I think it was just rude of her. So I won't stay today. She can pay Gina triple time for all I care but I have shit to do at home and I have the right to refuse. But it was nice to be getting paid the $25 bucks per hour of sellers wages instead of just $23 for traffic.

So today I'm just exhausted, again, not enough sleep, too much stress, not enough fuel. I have things to do around the house, today I got some of them done like getting the dead hanging baskets off the front porch. Tomorrow I'll take them to Harmony and trade back for the big luggage I gave her from the yard sale.

So today, I'm not working out in the morning and we all know that means I won't work out at night either. Tonight we have a meeting from 6:30-9:30 at the sheriffs office and that's pretty important to me. Hhhmmm... Maybe I should get off my ass and just run a couple miles......

Friday, October 2, 2015

Bucket Of Fear

Today has been very emotional for me, mostly due to being too tired. Working 4 ten hour 4am shifts and not getting enough sleep is taking its toll. I'd get more sleep if I could just stay asleep.
So today I've been crying for no reason and I'm irritable; I've yelled at a customer (and by yell I mean swore under my breath and they couldn't hear it) and then my massage got cancelled. I can't say I was looking forward to it, I had completely forgotten about it but it would have been nice to have anyway.

Then there is the fact that my FIL took our truck and trailer to haul his FUCKING horses to Arizona. Lan promised that he wouldn't let his dad borrow our truck for any reason when we gave him he old silver truck, so he wouldn't ruin this one. So now he's got both of them. He doesn't fucking care what he does to them, spills shit inside and doesn't clean it up, scratches the outsides. When we get our next truck, which he will NEVER drive, I'm having full control of what we buy and Lan better not let his dad anywhere near it.

His dad needs to quit horses all together or be owner in name only, go to the track and watch it run from a box and then go home. Home to a place with no horses and no need to borrow and ruin our truck.

Triathlon news:
I picked up another wetsuit today and will try it out at the lake sometime this next week. I've renewed our Y membership so I can go there to swim before work as needed. If this wetsuit works for me I'll be glad, I'm tired of worrying about it.