Wednesday, April 2, 2014

This is Icky

Yesterday my horse kicked one of my boarders. She said she was just checking something on her own horses leg...

Hi. Would have written to you sooner but I think I have a cracked rib and I wasn't sure I could sit at the computer. Last night I went into the arena with Handy and Joey because I thought I saw a cut on Handy's back leg. Joey wouldn't let me near Handy at first and then I got him to move off. I turned to look at Handy and Joey came right up behind me. I turned around and motioned him off and he spun around and back kicked. He hit my left leg and I turned and he hit my right calf. I went down hard and he moved away. I knew I hadn't broken anything so I got up and drove home. That's when I took my jeans off and saw my leg split open. You know the rest. I am going to the doctor at three about the rib. Don't worry, I am comfortable and can take some sick days. I will talk to you soon.

I've known for a while now that hes getting mean but this takes the cake. I've talked about this with my trainer and we're going to work on his attitude. Asshole. FUCK.

But in other news:
I sold 2 loads of composted manure today for a total of $150 this week and have another scheduled for tomorrow morning. This money is going to go toward gas for the Mustang Parade in Woodburn, Oregon in 2 weeks and to get us to the LaMay car show in Tacoma in 3 weeks.

Other horse news:
I'll be taking my Pessoa Saddle and all its trimmings to Issaquah to maybe sell them tomorrow. I've had it for 18 years, its a damn nice saddle with a 100 year warranty. That's cool. I'm asking $1,000 for it and won't go less than $800 minimum. I paid $1600 for it. I will not let her talk me down any lower & I wont let her buy JUST the saddle as I have no use for the trimmings.

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