Friday, April 25, 2014

Last Diet Day

Today was the last 500 calorie day of my diet. I have been pretty good for the last 42 days, tomorrow is the final weigh in. I am hoping for the scale to say 135. it can say 135.8 for all I care, I just want the 5.
I do NOT want to see this:

I have a grocery order, it includes butter, bread, bacon...
And tomorrow my calories will increase to 1,100 or so and my exercise will increase also. On days I might get stuck working & have no exercise maybe I'll stick to the 500 calorie plan, to keep things low.

I will have to figure out a menu similar to this one that I can use and STICK TO.
In horse news:
I hauled 3 horses over to the Triple T Ranch for a 4-H club, all together there were about 10 horses, 15 riders and an hour of free lessons for them. I expected a train wreck but they did awesome and I was pleasantly surprised to see all of them doing so well and sharing ponies. There were a few mistakes but not harm, no foul.
While there I saw Wifi, gave her some more hay, some grain, some scritches and loves. She had a lesson with Delicia today.

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