Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Legitimate Bitch

On my last post I said I had 2 friends racing over the weekend. Amanda did the marathon and T, a woman I've never met but is in our area & I'm guessing is part of our local club, did the Galveston Half Ironman.

Amanda has been pretty low key about it which is normal for her, mostly it was her friends who bragged her up & that's fine.

But you CAN control what YOU say.

T's first post race Facebook post:

70.3 MILES...DONE!! I'm an 'IRONMAN'!!

Um, no, you're NOT an Ironman.
You finished a half Ironman, not a full. They did not call you an Ironman at the finish of your race.
She also had a lot of people saying how fast her bike time was. OK, its basically FLAT. The biggest climb is 25 feet in elevation. Not 250, just 25. Those are rolling hills, not HILLS in any way, shape or form.
This is only 202 in elevation gain.

Compare Galveston to Florida, which everyone talks about how FLAT it is and you can see there is a climb of about 100 feet. THAT is considered FLAT.

Compare both of these to Ironman Coeur d'Alene, which, by the way, you get to do two laps.

1155 elevation gain in EACH lap. Those are hills. The best part is the 3 miles of 6% upgrade and that wonderful DOWN, right before you do another big ass UP again.
So T, once again, you are NOT and Ironman, Bitch.
And I call you Bitch because you outted my friend, who IS an Ironman, who did complete and finish a full distance 140.6 Ironman in CDA, not some flat spot without any hills.

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