Thursday, April 17, 2014


I've been on a strict diet for the last 5 weeks, 500 calories per day.

Coffee or tea for breakfast, no food.

 Lunch is 100 grams of protein, 1 serving veggies & 1 serving fruit & a few small pieces of Grissini bread.
 Dinner is the same as lunch.
 I have lost 17 lbs. so far. My diet restrictions of 500 calories per day will end in 5 days, then go up to 1200 per day. I will be FEASTING then!

These are all meals I have eaten in the last month and believe it or not, its enough food. Yes, I'm losing weight but this is enough to fill my stomach just enough so Im not hungry.

After 3 weeks of the maintenance diet I will slowly add in carbs & sugar and at the end of the 4th week I will begin another 3 weeks of the 500 calorie diet. Because even though I have lost more than 10% of my body weight already, I want to get down to 130 lbs.

 I started out at 156.4 pounds, I have lost 17, I am now 139.4 (as of this morning) and I have 5 days to lose more weight. I doubt I'll get down to 135 before the end of the original 40 days but I am right on track of where I though I'd be.

Now I will be able to start running again, riding my bike again, swimming again. It won't be so dang hard to climb hills either at a run or on my bike. Yes, I will gain weight back, much of it should be muscle. but I've gotten rid of a lot of FAT.

And I've learned that I don't NEED to eat so much food and not nearly as much junk food.

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