Sunday, April 20, 2014

Losing Horses

Last week one of the boarders told me she will be leaving the barn, today another one told me she will be leaving too.
OK, I got what I wished for.
They are both pain in the asses, seriously.  Don't turn my horse out with that one, Don't do this, do that. Well, ladies, you are more than welcome to leave. So go & don't let the barn doors hit you in your ass on the way out.
I wonder if either of them realize they are supposed to give me 30 days notice? I know Teri doesn't.
So it will be Sarah with Renata and my 3 horses. Except I just moved Wifi over to another barn with an indoor arena.
Great, I have no income for hay & now an additional $350 going out.
But I won't have to listen to these women bitch again and I know Rena will get sick and tired of Pages BS fast enough.
And Teri will fuck up pretty fast with her mare and that's too bad for the mare.
Good riddance.

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