How is training going? Very good.
Last Thursday we left home at 6pm & got to CDA at midnight. Checked into the hotel & 'slept' on one of the crappiest beds ever found on this earth. It had a V shaped mattress so we both kept rolling toward each other. Not good, no fun, shitty bed.
In the morning we got up at 7, went down for the free breakfast that wasn't bad at all & then planned our day. I wanted to start riding by 8am so we could get a seriously good ride in on the entire bike course but first I wanted to drive it one time. Then we would drive the run & visit the town & city info building. Check out time was 11 but I had asked at the front desk & they would give us until noon to check out, then we could have showers before leaving town.
All was fine until Lan discovered he had forgotten his shoes. DAMN. Ripped a page out of the phone book & proceeded to go to each of the 4 in town, only to find the first 2 were shut down permanently. Then the other 2 weren't open until 10am.
By now its 9am & I was mad but not letting on, I just wanted to ride and dumb shit forgets his fucking shoes. I didn't forget my shoes, I brought plenty of food for both of us, I had all my shit.
So while waiting we drove the course and I loved it.
There are a few hills that are 6% grade that scared me, not knowing how steep that really is but its not bad. Our hills around here are way steeper than CDA's are. The difference is that CDA has hills that are 2.5-3 miles long, ours are like up to 1 mile long. But I can handle theirs just fine.
There is the bike store, its huge. They had road stuff in a completely different room than the mtn bike stuff and complete sections, like, road shoes are not mixed in with the mtn bike shoes.
I found some I wanted but I just CAN NOT justify the $350 price tag, even if they do offer a 20% discount. They were narrow enough to fit my feet & had 2 dials to tighten the tension, in the front separate from over the arch.
Lan found the shoes he liked and luckily I had brought my Speedplay pedals and I let him borrow them. I charged rent, in the form of new socks.
Hes really lucky I brought these, saved him a ton of cash.
Finally at noon we got onto the bikes. This photo is after I had finished riding down the first 6% grade. It was super fun, just windy. I did sit up to slow down, ugh.
This is near the turn around for the hilly section of the bike course.
Right before we got back to the car Lan got a flat, he had it this much changed before I had the camera out & it was just in my back pocket! In less than 3 minutes he was riding again. What a man!
I love these new shoes |
After we rode the hills we got into the car and drove the run course, which also happened to be the first part of the bike course. This is the biking turn around, we think.
Then we went to the lake and played in the sand for a few minutes. The water was cold but not as cold as the first time we swam in Wildcat this year.
All in all it was a nice ride. Too bad it didn't all go as planned, too bad we only got a 3 hour ride in, too bad we didn't get to ride the complete course. I'll think about going over again and doing it all over again in the next 2 weeks.
Linda wanted to go, I didn't want to take her. She was upset, as I knew she would be, but I needed this training for me, not for her. I didn't want to take a chance that she would slow us down like she did on the Daffodil ride. So she and Steve went over Friday & Saturday and they basically had the same ride we had but Steve didn't forget his shoes.