Sunday, July 10, 2011

Some serious thinking going on.

How is training going? Good.

Barb is trying to talk Linda and me into doing Ironman Canada 2012. Because Barb and I will be turning 50 next year and Linda will be 49. We aren't getting any younger, that's for sure so wouldn't now be the time to do it? That's what I'm thinking.
I know its going to be expensive, extremely expensive. Signing up is only $650 but I'd need a new wetsuit, swim lessons (serious ones, maybe with Ryan Chapman) and I'll need a coach. Lan can coach me on the bike, that wouldn't be a problem.
Lisa Ballou said she would think about coaching us for this endeavor so I would be happy with that. I know Lisa, I trust her to do her best, I know she has experience and knowledge because shes a 6 time Ironman already herself.
There will be many other expenses, like the fees for other races we would need to be in beforehand to prep ourselves. I've got a perfect Half Ironman chosen, more later.
I can go to the YMCA and use their pool all winter for laps so I'll need a lap counter of some sort. I figure I'll go through at least 3 pair of shoes and I'll need new Superfeet insoles.

Yesterday Lan and I went out to Ocean Shores and were volunteers at the TriFreaks Multi Sport Weekend. 5k, 10k, Spring, Olympic & Half Ironman triathlons, marathon & a half plus kids sports.

These are the men from the 1st wave of Half Ironman participants just minutes before they started the swim.

 They had to swim all the way to the other end of Duck Lake and back, 1.2 miles.

They then rode their bikes 56 miles on a perfect course.
All the roads in Ocean Shores were just repaved so they are all nice and smooth, no potholes or cracks. And the entire course is flat except the one bridge they went over. Half Ironman'ers had to go over this 'hill' 4 times but it was just a bump, maybe 10-15 feet in elevation.

Here is one of the tables we manned. This was the 4.5 mile aid station along the Half Ironman run route, which was 13.1 miles; it was 1.7 miles to the turn around and about 5 miles on the way back to the finish. Water, HEED, bagels, bananas, Gel and lots of cheering and moral support. We did lots of cheering, clapping, yelling, joking, water pouring, cup picking uping.

This guy was in first place on his way out but he was in pain. All he wanted was water. On the return he was in about 6th place and much slower.

This was a fun time, Lan had just snuck off to the bushes to go pee and I had 6 people returning. The 2 guys in the red shirts didn't need anything but some of the others did. 

It was a real kick in the pants to assist TriFreaks and all these runners. There were 64 who started, I don't know how many finished. There were a few who were questionable.
The last place finisher was a woman who weighed 350 lbs a couple years ago, shes lost 80 so far and she was bound and determined to finish this race. she didn't make the cut off time but she did finish. Her goal is to go to Kona Ironman in 6 years. YOU GO GIRL! Lan and I stayed at the aid station till we were relieved at about 3:30pm and she was the only remaining runner. I wanted to stay and cheer for her but we had to leave but as soon as we turned the corner, there she was. She was hoofin' it!

Once I find a way to pay for all my Ironman Canada expenses I'm going to go for it. I have until August 29th and I'll have to be there in person IN CANADA to register. I could TRY to register online but last year it sold out in hours so that might not be an option. Linda and Steve are going ot be up there for that weekend to cheer on Sarah McCoy so shes got it covered.

But Linda doesn't want to do it.

I agree with Barb, this is our year, I need to do this for me, because I can.

Other news: I have registered for the Tacoma City FULL Marathon in May 2012 so I can get the full medal. Wish me luck.

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