Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Biking and swimming today

How is training going? Bike and swim today.

I slept right through my YMCA workout class with Torrey today, just too tired after my late Monday night shift at work. So I hopped on my bike and went for a ride. Daily Mile said it was 12.24 miles, my bike computer said it was 13.1. Anyway, I did it in 1:02:22; last year I did the same course in 58:54. 4 minutes slower this year, a huge difference. I'm going to need to work on that more.

I did get to spend a few minutes out in the barn with the horse and Cassie. I didn't do anything with them but it was nice just to be out there. Meghan as agreed to come out tomorrow to help me ride Wifi again so I'm hoping for good weather. Local news is saying rain tomorrow, &*$%#^%$. Damn.

Oh well, we can still work her one way or another.

I need to get the camper cleaned up. Used it last weekend and it needs to be vacuumed and the outside washed. Its still in nice condition but Lan and I are thinking about selling it now. It does have some things that we dont want to bother with so its time to let it go. Another reason to sell is that last week a man in our area had one of the jacks fail and his camper squished him to death and our jacks aren't in tip top shape. Lan is always careful with it but what if...

Its SO nice to have on race days, we can have all out stuff inside it and change in comfort after we get ourselves all sweaty. Don't have to pay for another day at a hotel either nor go home sweaty.

The outside has some algie from the winter, not a lot since I cleaned it last fall, but some. I'll get it all cleaned up then we will want to use it again. 

Lan is planning on racing in the Federal Escape Triathlon next weekend. He'll get a free entry because he is going to volunteer at one of TriFreaks other races, Grand Columbia Full Ironman and Super Triathlon, the first in the country. And because we volunteered at Ocean Shores a few weeks ago we will get 25% off out half ironman entries next year at Ocean Shores. Its part of my training plan.

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