Monday, July 18, 2011

Really gotta get serious now

How is training going? Good.

Lan and I went for a 5k run this morning and then a 14.5 mile ride. I'd have liked to have gone farther but I had to get ready for work. If I'm going to do an Ironman next year then I feel like I'm already behind.

Work is going to be a bit easier because I bid on & won a 40 hour shift, too bad its all weekends. But I'll have Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays off. I can do my bricks on Mondays before work and still swim on Tuesday nights and do Torreys classes on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

One thing that sucks is that I have NO TIME to ride the horses. Its going to be so much worse next summer when I'm working out 30 hours per week.

Speaking of horses: I brought Wifi home from the trainers and I will not be taking her back. Shes got some bad habits that she didn't have before and that really makes me mad. She kicked at me yesterday in her stall and that really pissed me off. She hasn't kicked since she was a yearling and that's bullshit. I'm going to write a nice letter to Vicki and ask for a refund for the 2nd months fees that I already paid and I'm going to tell her why. 1. she never rode my horse. 2. she never opened the outside door to the run that she said would be opened the next day.  3. she didn't even lunge Wifi.  4. someone had to have abused my horse to make her kick at me.  5. My horse lost a LOT of weight and has no muscle tone, which she would have had a HUGE butt if she were being lunged every day, or even just 3 times per week.
Wifi, the day she left home, June 13th
Wifi, the day she came home, July 13th

Shes lost a lot of weight, shes got no muscle tone. Her hips stick out and her tail is knobby. she acted head shy for a while and kicking at me in her stall is so un-Wifi like. Shes going to stay home and Meghan will help me train her myself.

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