Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Good news, I guess.

How is training going? OK, I guess.

So I work at the Washington State Ferries and just completed my first bid and got a great 40 hour per week shift. The days suck but I'll have the same 3 days off each week till the end of September. Whats weird about me getting this shift is that I'm only the 2nd Newbie to ever get a 40 hour shift on their 1st bid. One other time a guy got a graveyard shift on Vashon Island for the summer. My days are Friday 10:05am-8:05pm, Saturday 6:40am-4:40pm, Sunday 6:40am-4:40pm & Monday 1:45pm-11:45pm.
On Fridays I can get an OK ferry over but have to wait for an hour to get on a boat home. On Saturday & Sunday I'll have to catch the 4:30am ferry in order to get there on time, that's going to suck. Mondays I can get the 1:10pm boat over and the 12:25am boat home. Its not great hours but its steady and I won't have to be doing any money shifts. They pay more but are slow.

And I'll be earning a pretty penny so I'll be able to afford some nice things-for the summer.

I'm going to put away money from each check for Ironman Canada registration, lessons and equipment. I can wait till fall & get a better deal on a wetsuit and I'll figure out a way to take swim lessons during the winter.

Yesterday i actually went out to Wildcat Lake to swim with the TriBabes and I ENJOYED it. I'm looking forward to it next week or even just later this week. I've never had so much fun as I did last night and I passed a few other people, which never happens!!

Now I need to get my ass out there and run.

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