Thursday, July 21, 2011

Raising money for an Ironman

How is training going: Today, great.

I bought myself a pedometer so i know how far I go each day. Yesterday it was 6770 steps and I wanted to get in 10,000. I havent been wearing it yet today and I dont count spin/core or kickboxing classes on the meter. Thats cheating.

I'm selling items that I own to finance my registration fee into Ironman Canada. So far I have $270.00 saved up, sold my tack trunk and the big shelving unit in the barn. Paid $75 for them. I have a lot more to go, both in getting rid of and saving but I'm trying.

My 40 hour schedule will start on Sunday. Good pay checks, never see my husband. The money I earn will help towards Ironman. My horses will suffer. The hours suck, totally.

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