Sunday, April 15, 2018

Stable Comfort Six Week Review

I'm so happy with the Stable Comfort stalls, if we ever build another barn I will DEFINATELY add them again.

Right now the two mini ponies are each in a stall but only to contain them, not for added comfort. Their little hooves barely make an indent in the rubber tops.

But the big news is that this big guy, Mack, DID need the soft mats and they saved him a lot of pain. When he came here he had pads on his hooves and less than a week later he was lame. Pulled the pads & shoes and he was DEAD LAME. So lame his owner contemplated putting him down. but we put a bunch of straw in the stall and left him over night. In the morning, he as good as new; no limping and looking great.

The size difference between the minis and Mack is HUGE and all the horses like the mats. 

Prices that I paid were $789 for each 12x12.5 stall plus $300 each for delivery. But I decided on one 12.5 X 24 mat so it could be used for foaling or layups in the future. 
The price plus delivery was TOO MUCH but since I live in Washington state and these Stable Comfort mats are produced in Canada, right across the border from me, I decided to spend $100 on fuel & go pick them up myself. 

We bought new regular 4 X 6 stall mats for the other two stalls, costing $250 per stall so for the Comfort Stall mats it was only an additional $500 each stall. Not a bad price for the good feelings we get when we see Mack walking easily and the ponies happy.

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